Before Returning to Japan

How to cancel your account

To cancel your account, please contact our customer service at 800-733-5558. Please keep in mind we only accept cancellation requests by phone and cancellations go into effect the same day. We are unable to cancel an account on a different date.

Cancelling after moving back to Japan

If you plan to use on the way back to Japan, Customer service representatives are available to cancel your account even after you return to Japan. To cancel your account while in Japan, please contact our
Japanese Customer Service at 0120-100-789, Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM Japan Standard Time.

If you plan on maintaining a United States bank account, you do not need to cancel your ANA CARD USA! You may simply update your mailing address to your home country and continue to use your card. *Foreign transactions fees may still apply.

Paying your outstanding balance after cancelling

You may continue making your normal payments after cancelling your account. If you are enrolled in AutoPay, your payment will automatically be made until there is no longer an outstanding balance. You will also continue to have access to your online account at

Cancelling any recurring charges

Cancelling your ANA CARD USA does not cancel any recurring charges. If you have set up automatic bill pay for recurring charges such as gym memberships, magazine subscriptions, music downloads, or other bills, please cancel or change your payment method with that merchant. These types of transactions may still process to your closed account. Customers are still responsible to pay any outstanding balance.

Updating your mailing address

If you have any outstanding balance after you cancel your account, your monthly statement will continue to be mailed until the balance is paid in full.
Without your notice of change of address, the statement will be sent to registered address.
Customers are still responsible to make all their payments on time, even after the account has been cancelled. Please note, your account may still accrue fees and interest charges based off the Cardmember Agreement after cancellation.

If you prefer not to have monthly statement in paper, please log in and set up Paperless Statements. Please provide us with your preferred address such as your work place or your friend's address that you can receive in the event that we send letters.
The address outside the United States can be registered. *You may also update your mailing address by contacting our Japanese Customer Service at 0120-100-789, Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM Japan Standard Time.

Note1: Shipping address upon credit card approval to mail the credit card must be inside the US.